Where to Start......
So i was chilling round the house this birthday, alone due to a family crisis in South Africa. Having taken Michelle to work at about 7.45, i wondered aimlessly round the house looking for something to do. Pool was the only option, so after a few hours tanning in the garden, in and out of the pool i was still, how should i put it, Bored. Apart from the few happy birthday phone calls, which may i add, was very cool.
Then a text arrived, Michelle offering to take me out for Dinner and drinks. I was smiling at last, as i started to get myself ready to go meet her after work. The rain fell like that scence in Pirates of the Carabien, you know the one were they finally get out of Davie Jones locker and the sea becomes sky. I waited for my chance and left the house to head upto the train, getting caught in the rain on the way.
So our first port of call was New Asia bar, such a sweet place, built in the top floor of Singapores highest building. With unbelivable veiws out of the glass walls, we parked our butt's (mine still a little damp) and ordered our first drinks (well a jug) and a BBQ Combo with side serving of Spicey fries.
We sat back and watched the sun set over Singapores tall skyline and debated were to go next..
Next place was what we call Gotham city (as in where Batman lives with his Gay lover Robin) This can be found at the top of the pic, tallest building you can see on the right side.
So loof is nice, like i say, a open roof top bar, swanky people, and pretty chilled out tunes. Oh, and a pretty different veiw of Raffels hotel.
And hey we were only staying for one on our way to Gotham, but it was Happy hour, 50% off all drinks so how could we refuse.
So this is the veiw from Loof, looking up at New Asia Bar.
New Asia is the tallest one at the back, and if you look close you can see the glass walls right at the top..
A short phone call from the family in South Africa wishing me Happy Birthday and a little walk, we arrived at what must be the most impresive building in Singapore, ain't got a clue of the real name, or what really goes on inside. But the entrance is guarded in statues of Freemasons. Scary, and to top it off it's swamming with bat's.. How mad is that.
But once inside, it has to be said, that as good as it looks outside, the inside is far better. So happy we went there together for the first time for us. To top off the amazing decor, there was a live Jazz singer belting out from a high platform built above the bar, and the hostess was dressed as a fairy, and when anyone ordered wine, she was winched up to a hight of nearly 50ft to collect the bottle. So impressive..
So here's a few more pic's of the night, a night i will most definatly not forget..
Michelle & I @ New Asia..
Michelle @ Gotham..
Outside Courtyard @ Gotham..
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